Web Design Company | Interactive Design | Web Hosting | Greenville, South Carolina

Hyperthink News

Recent News

The last 30 days has seen two more ESPN sites converted to the new Content Management System; PuertoRicoTipOff.com and CharlestonClassic.com

The new OldSpiceClassic.com site is launched. 2 Down 6 to go.

HyperThink launches new 76Classic.com marking the first of 8 existing sites to be converted to new fully integrated CMS.

HyperThink extends contract with ESPN. New contract to continue web development and interactive production through 2011


Animation And More

Flash has become the standard for online interactivity, animation and video. We offer solutions in all of these areas. We can create custom photo galleries, video players, and make your site jump around and do really cool stuff. The only limit is the imagination and of course a budget. But hey, we can work around that!

There are many uses for flash and we believe that with the exception of certain fully entertainment based web sites, Flash is best used in moderation and as an accent to a site not what the entire site should be built from. There are two reasons on which we base our stand: 1. It is much more time intensive for doing updates and 2. a site completely built from Flash is often not search engine friendly, therefore reducing your chances of being found through search queries.

As stated however, there are times when Flash is appropriate for an entire site. So no matter what your need for your project on the web, interactive CD's, kiosks and other media, Flash is the tool and we are the builder.

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